January 27, 2015

Imagine and Relax

When we feel depressed, it is hard not to think about negative things. Negative thoughts seem to show up relentlessly. This can make you feel mentally exhausted all the time. Dealing with that kind of exhaustion can be daunting. However, there is a standard way to deal with mental exhaustion. It is done through relaxation and imagination. By imagining a pleasant environment, you can begin to relax. It is true that your negative thoughts will continue to invade your imagination.

However, rather than spending time trying to fight those types of thoughts from entering your imagination, just continue to prefer to entertain images of relaxation and peace. If you manage to do that for at least an hour every day you will regain some of the energy that you had lost. That energy will be likely to help you find the desire to live one more day. This is always a very good thing because the world, whether it makes sense to you or not, needs you to live another day.