March 24, 2014

Reward Yourself For Your Mistakes

Sometimes when we make mistakes we start to beat ourselves up for it. However, beating ourselves for something that we forgot to do or did wrong is not going to reverse the situation and make it right. The reality is that regardless of whether you beat yourself up or not it is likely that you will not make the same mistake next time around. Thus, why spend so much energy beating yourself up for something you can no longer control? It is best to take a step back and relax because perhaps the reason you forgot something or did something incorrectly is precisely that. You haven’t had the time to relax, collect your thoughts and enjoy yourself. Sometimes we are so focused on living up to other people’s expectations that we forget about ourselves. Thus, perhaps a better approach to deal with a mistake you made would be to treat yourself to a pleasurable experience, whether it is dinner at a restaurant, a movie, a play or a music event. If you do that, you will see that when you are given a second chance at doing things right, you will be able to do it with fresh energy, more confidence, and bigger determination than if you had beaten yourself down for making a mistake.