May 6, 2014

Self-Talking Me

Do you see your life as half full or half empty? Depending on how you answer that may reflect your outlook on life. If you answer that it is half empty it is probably because you think negatively while if you answer that it is half full it is because you think positively about yourself and your life.

It is the difference between positive thinking and negative thinking. However, what does positive thinking mean? Does it mean that when your world is crumbling around you, you should do nothing about it and assume that things will change for the better if you just convince yourself that everything will be fine? Positive thinking is not about living in denial. It is thinking about all the positive outcomes that can come out of a situation and become convinced that the best outcome is the one that will occur.

You do that through self-talk. Those thoughts that run through your head day in and day out can be the difference between success and failure. It is like driving a car at 50 miles per hour through a very tight tunnel where the walls are only 5 inches away from the car and you must drive through it without hitting the walls, or reducing your speed, to win a prize.

Now you have one driver trying to get through it by trying to stay away from the walls, through negative self-talk. Another driver is trying to get through the tunnel by doing positive self-talk and focusing on the end of the tunnel and convincing himself that he is going to win that prize. Who will have a better chance at winning the prize?

The one who is trying to stay away from the wall is thinking negatively about the outcome. The one who only sees the end of the tunnel and the prize that he is going to win, is thinking positively about the outcome. Thus, who do you think will have a better chance at winning that prize? That is what positive thinking is all about. It is using positive self-talk to focus your energy in getting the best outcome out of any bad situation and blocking out all the negative self-talk.
