May 13, 2014

The Positive Experience

In my last post I discussed the importance of positive self-talk if we want to have a positive outlook in life. However, given the dynamic world in which we live in, using positive self-talk can become a challenge when we find ourselves surrounded by negative circumstances. Things as simple as having a disagreement with a close friend can bring you down. Nevertheless, we should always keep in mind that it is up to us to surround ourselves with a positive environment when we encounter difficult times. What we do after we have a disagreement with a friend will determine whether our mood will continue down spiral or whether we will manage to continue to feel positive despite our negative experience. How can we do that?

The key is to become aware of the type of environment that makes you feel positive emotionally. By remaining positive new paths will open for you. Listening to songs with inspiring melodies, looking at panoramic images, and watching inspiring movies are some of the ways you can remain positive even when you are facing very difficult situations. If you make an effort to relate to people that have a positive outlook in life and stay away from the ones that are negative, you will also manage to stay positive in the face of adversity.

By staying positive you will experience fantastic results and you will find that if you thought you were at a dead end, you were actually at the beginning of a new road.